IF Events, Contests and Updates

Here we host a lot of content made by IndieFolio and members of our community. Come and see the many things that IndieFolio delivers to you.

1.) Guides: In this section, you will find guides for your work on IndieFolio and for your success as a creative individual. We also offer advice so that HR and people who hire can do better when searching for candidates.

2.) Compilations: Occasionally, we look through IndieFolio and find a common theme within all the work we find. When we do, we create a compilation of that work so that we can share it with everyone from other creative fields.

3.) Interviews: We speak to members of our community and try to get them to tell us about what they do and their journey. If you’re looking for the story behind creators, you can find it here.

4.) Updates: Any and all changes we make to the website and our extended businesses are mentioned here.

5.)  Events: If we have a big event or attend one, you don’t have to feel bad about missing out, you can catch all of the information disseminated to IndieFolio over here. Be sure to check out our MasterClass posts for more of this.