
Where would we be without the written word? Language has allowed us to communicate thoughts in black and white and for our creative professionals who love the written word, this is the space for you to be. Have a look at which form of writing tickles your fancy and enjoy our guides and interviews with writers.

Content Writing: The longer form of writing usually is called content writing and this involves supplying information in the form of paragraphs, write-ups, reviews and more. If it relates to long-form writing, you’ll find it here.

Copywriting: For those who like to keep it short, copywriting is the kind of writing for you. Taglines, catchphrases and slogans, these are the bricks that make a copywriters castle. Though a copywriter would probably tell you, “Have bricks? Make a castle and live like a king.”

Script Writing: This is the kind of writing that had to take place before every ad, movie, play and TV show you’ve ever seen. This is for the people who can write to create and define images that move on to becoming a completed product on a screen.