These tips will help you and work work get viewed and applauded more often!
Now that you have your BananaBandy profile ready, you may be asking yourself, what next? How can you take your online portfolio to the next level? How do you get noticed amongst the thousands on BananaBandy users? Here are a few tips and tricks that’ll help you get more attention on BananaBandy.
There are a lot of projects that are uploaded on BananaBandy everyday by new artists and old alike. Getting yourself noticed by the audience is not an easy task. Getting noticed on BananaBandy as an artist with a great profile is a big help when it comes to bidding on job postings (aside from also getting bragging rights over the other artists).
Unfortunately there is no secret password or magic formula to a great online portfolio, but there are a few things that you can do to help to get your work noticed…

It goes without saying that you should be creating good projects to be noticed on BananaBandy. If you need more tips on how to create a good project, have a look at our article on the same. Be creative with how you display your work and remember that the BananaBandy team recommends a range of five to twelve images as a good project length. A common missed opportunity is uploading a single image into your project to represent your work and leaving all details about it blank. This will only hurt you and we discourage you from doing the same.

1. Explain your Project
Think of the project as a page on your resume and their function is to market you. Present them like you would present and explain your own self at a job interview in a creative and professional manner. Include detailed images to give the viewer a good sense of the piece. Since you can’t physically show visitors your work try to include enough detailed images to give them a sense of what it would be like to see it with their own eyes and hold it in their hands.
Fill in all the details about the project and write about the conception of the project and the idea behind it. Try and include images of the same as people like to view an artist’s workflow and process. Be as detailed as you would be if you were explaining the project to them face to face.

2. Only publish when you are finished
You can keep save unpublished project and keep them the same way while you keep tweaking and working on them. BananaBandy also lets you unpublish projects if you need to take them offline for a while until you are ready to reveal it to the world again. You should only publish your project when it’s completely finished and you are completely happy with the final result. Once a project is published people will be able see it. You wouldn’t want to try and sell a house that has only been half constructed, would you?
Your final published project should be something you are ready for the world to see, which will include the BananaBandy curators who decide on whether or not to feature your project. With the overwhelming number of daily submissions, they may only see your project once. You will want it to be perfect once you hit that publish button in order to get a shot at the featured page.

3. Engage with the community
Give to the community and it will give back tenfold onto you. Applaud and comment on the artworks that you like. Send a friendly message to the artists that you appreciate. Everybody likes a pat on their back and they might give you one when you need it the most. Do not hesitate to ask artists more about the process behind their work, artists usually do not mind being quizzed about their work and they will be eager to answer your questions.
Equally, be responsive to those who comment on your projects and message you. Acknowledge their appreciation of your work and they may start following you, keen to see your latest projects in their Artist Bustle!
Add in your social media information to your profile as people might be keen to read your witty tweets or to see your latest pictures on Instagram. You may even make a new friend through BananaBandy (Though that’s it, BananaBandy doesn’t promise matrimonial opportunities… yet)