Simran Tapadia is versatile in a number of styles. It’s her willingness to experiment and try new things with art that ended up catching our eye. We wanted to know more about her so we got in touch to ask her a few questions about who she is and what she does.
But first, we wanted to show you the series she created and shared.
Introduce yourself, who are you, what are you doing for a living and what’s your art like?
Hey, I’m Simran Tapadia, I’m a young aspiring artist and a student. Currently studying Animation Film Making. I’m working on my art and my comic “inside memesaabs memebrane” both together. I’m mostly freelancing and doing commission work for brands. My art or art style to say isn’t really restricted to anything in particular. I usually create according to my inspiration and mood. Don’t really like pressuring myself to stick to one style.
How did you first discover you were into art?
Didn’t really have to discover it. Haha. It was inborn. Never got tutoring or classes. Got all my knowledge and inspiration from school art lectures. But I always knew since childhood I was into art, also because the appreciation and encouragement my parents gave me. My mom is my biggest inspiration every single day. Without her, I would have not been able to achieve what I have achieved today. She is my biggest fan, my hero.
Is there is a purpose that your art tries to fulfil and if so, what is it?
I have always created art that means something to me. My each and every art has a piece of me in it, no matter how small or big the creation might be. I always want to connect with other viewers and artist, so they also can feel the emotions in my art.
Can you tell us about 3 artists you look up to and why?
Can’t really put a number on the artists I look up to, every day, I get inspired by someone or the other.
But two of my favourites are,
Paula Scher – She’s one of my favourite graphic designers. I love the look and feel of her work. It’s my dream to work with her and visit her company Pentagram.
Christoph Niemann – It was love at first sight when I saw his work. His each and every work for the New Yorker is mind-boggling. He’s a true inspiration.
Also, my sir, Vivek, has helped me shape my art and creativity in the last few months.
Are there any Indian artists who deserve more appreciation?
Yes absolutely, there are quite a few who are amazing and deserve more appreciation than what they get now.
If you could collaborate to create art with another artist, who would it be and why?
I would have loved to create art with Michelangelo and Van Gogh, but sadly I was born way too late. But on a serious note, I would love to collaborate with Christoph Niemann and Paula Scher for sure.
What do most people fail to understand about your work?
They don’t fail to understand per se, it’s more like they don’t understand the amount of hard work it took to do one artwork. It’s just saddening how easily people will judge it and reject it. And there are some people who take your work for granted which is nerve wrecking.
What are you working on now?
Currently working on 2 comics along with my freelance work. One of them is going for Comic-Con via my college, it’s an anthology series with Indian art styles. The second one is my personal webcomic ” INSIDE MEMESAABS MEMEBRANE ”
I’m constantly working with some brand or company as a freelancer.
What’s your opinion and experience like with IndieFolio?
It’s a great platform for artists like me to showcase their art and get appreciated and motivated.
How can people support your art?
All I want for everyone to do is follow my art and appreciate it and spread it. I mean that’s how I as an individual can grow and get inspired. I also do support whenever I come across an artist, that’s how the society can grow and get better.
What’s the most important piece of advice you can give to artists who want to do what you do?
I would just ask one thing “How bad do you want it?”
You have to put your 200%, stay up all night to come with concepts and meet your deadlines. It’s not going to easy but it will be worth every second. There will be times you’ll feel demotivated but you just gottta get up and create, even though it will look shitty, it will be your shitty work. One last thing; surround yourself with positive and inspiring people whom you can talk and look up to.
In addition to this, she also has other fantastic work that is worth a look at. Here’s some of it below:
Follow and connect with Simran Tapadia through Indiefolio or Instagram. Give her praise, she deserves it.