IndieFolio Blog

Stefan Kuhnigk: Art from Stains

Stefan Kuhnigk creates a monster out of a pizza box!

What purpose does a pizza box serve aside from being a container for the teenage mutant ninja turtles’ favourite food? Can an ordinary pizza box, an object trashed as soon as its purpose is served ever elevate itself to a higher status? What if a pizza box could be an object of art? An object that people cherish and treasure, an object that will inspire people and stay in their minds far longer than the pizza that it once carried.

Stefan Kuhnigk is an artist from Hamburg who set himself the goal of creating something creative every day. One day he spilled some coffee on a stack of paper – and that’s when he saw it: a small monster shouting “draw me, draw meeeeee”. Since then he’s drawn more than 500 different coffeemonsters and publishes them together with their stories on his website and Instagram pages. We have already covered him earlier here on our blog.

Lieferando was one of the many who fell in love with the monsters and they asked Stefan if he would like to try and create something new with them. He was immediately up for the idea and they responded by sending him a used pizza box and let his creativity flow.

This is the final result of their collaboration. Stefan created a Pizzamonster! He was created from the stains on the Pizza box. This Pizzamonster is named ‘Schnabuli’ and is as cute as he is scary. Here is a video depicting how little Schnabuli came to life!