IndieFolio Blog

In The Spotlight: October to December 2016

You know how we like to experiment, right? What, you didn’t? Fine, you know now. Our experiment was to have the newest dazzling dozen in the spotlight selected by Prasad Bhat, the founder of Graphicurry who also made the image above. To decide who these esteemed individuals are that get to walk upon our stage, he sweated, he toiled, he will make jokes about how we worship the ground he walks on. (We don’t but don’t tell him that, we like his jokes.)


Can we have a drum roll please? What’s that? We have to hire a drummer? Fine, figurative drum roll then. Here are the artists and designers who should wear shades because they have the Spotlight on them:

Natasha Pramanik

Natasha works with charcoal and soft pastels but she loves to experiment. We featured 5 projects of hers but whether it’s her doodling, recreating Heath Ledger’s Joker or Sadhu’s inspired by Rishikesh, her work is a joy to behold.


Sakshi Jain

When looking at her portfolio, one word stand out above all else, ‘cute’ and we dare you to disagree. With just a paper and a pen at her disposal or a sketching tablet and Photoshop, she elicits feelings of being soft and young.


Gauraang Pant

He states that he is a Visual Development Artist from Pune. On his portfolio, you’ll find excellent digital paintings, illustrations of Barack Obama, a hippie taking a bath who would look at home in a Disney production and even a rather fetching logo with a purple panther.


Sneha Inamdar

She creates for brands and for herself. Her work shows a willingness to play with proportions and a lightness of touch. She will mix things on paper with digital tools that gives her work a polished feel. Look out for her mandala on paper.


Vinoth Thirumalai

He sketches, he designs with graphics, he is a User Experience designer. His work makes us feel like we would enjoy an app designed up by him and we appreciate his atmospheric sketches as well.


Vinita Jakkal

She’s a Graphic Designer and Illustrator based in Pune who also has a keen understanding of branding and packaging design. The picture below comes from a pet grooming website that simply looks adorable.


Nitisha Chawla

She loves Adobe Illustrator as much as Sméagol loves the ring from The Lord of The Rings. That should be enough to tell you that her passion is present in spades but since seeing is believing, her portfolio is there to charm you with the sights within.


Gargi Chandola

She brings elegance to Indian-inspired design. Walls, product packaging and even re-imaginings of book covers like the one you see below receives elevation with class when she’s involved. A must-see on her portfolio is her village street art.


Priyanka Karyekar

She embodies graphic design. She’s no stranger to big brands either. Hindustan Unilever, Garnier, BBlunt and more have benefitted from having her work on their communication design. Her work below is for the BBlunt Look Book.


Simoul Alva

Though still a student, her portfolio demonstrates a willingness to innovate and experiment with media and art. Inspiration to her seems to come from a variety of places like a Bengali Padma Bhushan Award Winner or even the birds of a state to infuse tea as seen below.


Shubham Kesur

One can definitely say that Shubham sees the world a bit differently from you and I. His work has a surreal and almost Dali-esque feel when he works with poster colours, acrylic paints and marker pens. His landscapes are not to missed.


Sagar Mhaske

His attention to detail is fabulous. Mixing up media to create his art seems to come easy to Sagar. However, we’re sure he puts in more effort to his work than we are ready to start thinking about. All that there is to do is sit back, be lost in his work and try not to think too hard about how he became this good.



These are our newest Spotlight artists. Every three months, we release a batch of 12 new artists for all the wonderful work they upload to our site and who knows, this could be where you see your work or the work of someone talented you know. We can only suggest that you get the word out there about these talented souls and keep encouraging every creative person you know to put their work up where the world (but primarily India) can see it and appreciate it. As a business man worth $7.5 billion once said, “Civilizations aren’t remembered by their business people, bankers or lawyers. They’re remembered by their arts.”

Before we end, we just want to say a big thank you to the artists for sending us their pictures and for being part of our creative community. We couldn’t have done this without you.


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