IndieFolio Blog

In The Spotlight: Shubham Kesur

Shubham Kesur is an art student who creates beautiful things on canvasses with paints and brushes. Some of his work makes us think about memories and how his paintings are reminiscent of how we recall locations in our minds. Have a look at what he has created so far.


Just to introduce yourself, if you aren’t freelancing, where are you working or studying?

Hello, friends, my name is Shubham Kesur and I am studying for a Diploma in Fine Arts at L.S. Raheja School of Art, Bandra East, Mumbai.


Tell us about your journey from discovering your craft to acquiring the skill you have now.

I am simply learning from nature. I am now addicted to plain air landscapes and I had started plain air works where I was in my foundation course at the Model Art Institute Dadar in 2013.


After dealing with various demands from clients and/or bosses, what’s that one experience that you learned the most from?

First, listen carefully then create the work of art.


In the whole world, whose work do you aspire yours to be like? And what attracts you to appreciate what they do?

I am inspired by an artist who goes by the name of Jeremy Maan. He works in neutral colour schemes and simplifies shapes in his own way.


What do people not realize about your work/area of expertise?

My colour application in my work.


Which project of yours are you particularly proud of? Could you tell us a little about it?

It was an art object project done during my foundation time.


Can we have a piece of advice that helps you with your own workflow?

Go out and paint. You will know yourself better.


So, what are you working on now?

Nothing in particular. I’m continuing to advance my drawing and painting skill at L.S. Raheja School of Art.


Where do you see yourself in the future?

Florence Academy of Art, Italy


Now that you’re getting/you have a firm foothold in the creative world, what would you like to say to ‘all the haters’?

Haters inspire me a lot. Keep hating me.


Quick Questions

Favourite movie?


A book everybody should read?

The Works of Vincent Van Gogh.

Your quick tip to everybody who does the same job as you?

What we know and what we see. This matters the most when you are working in the field of art.

What’s the best project you’ve seen on IndieFolio?

Shraddha Mandale‘s illustrations.

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