IndieFolio Blog

8 Most Applauded Photography Projects on IndieFolio

On world photography day, let’s have a look at 9 of the most applauded photography projects on IndieFolio

It’s that time of the year again, when we celebrate the medium that helps us save our memories forever through the simple act of capturing light. It’s time to celebrate the one of the most revolutionary inventions in the world that’s changed the way society functions.  It’s time to wish everybody ‘Happy World Photo Day 2016!’

World Photo Day is celebrated on August 19 every year. This is because of that day in 1839 that the French Academy of Sciences announced to the world the photographic technique known as daguerreotype. It had been developed by  French individual named Louis-Jaques-Mandé Daguerre. We have since then come a long way. Who would have thought that an people would be taking more pictures while shopping than Neil Armstrong did on his trip to the moon!  However, we must respect the French Government who bought the patent for the daguerreotype and made it available to the world for free.

Let’s have a look at the eight most popular Photography projects in IndieFolio. These projects have been selected on the basis of the applauds that they have received from the community.


Angels and Demons by Ram Kumar

Explore the Angels and Demons that lie waiting beneath our skin.

Nirvana by Shefali Gupta

Check out this calendar based upon the theme of Nirvana for the year 2015.

Star Trail by Sameer Singh

Star movements in the night sky captured in Uttarakhand.

Valli: Moghamul, Chapter II by Kapil Ganesh

A portrait series featuring women from Dravidian literature.

Fishermen at work by Goutam Roy

Local fishermen from Kharibari shot while at work.

The Shoes in you by Debarati Sanyal

Check out this colourful project for HUF.

Cityscapes by Ankit Nandwani

Beautiful cityscapes captured across Europe.

It’s your light that enlightens the world by Vedashree Patil

Great execution of UV Photography.