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5 Content Writing Jobs That Must Exist In Fictional Universes

It’s no surprise that writers and artists have been creating beautiful worlds for all of us to admire. Their worlds are beautiful, clever and have an entire society functioning under different rules than what we have to follow. In the middle of the plot that the main hero goes through, we can’t help but notice that people in these universes have jobs and some of them could also be content writing jobs.

After a fun discussion, we came up with 5 content writing jobs that must exist in these fictional universes. We’re sure that, given the opportunity, writers would jump on one of these jobs.

1.) Broom Reviewer – Harry Potter Universe

In this universe, a broom isn’t use for sweeping floors. That’s too undignified and boring from a universe that tells us about the wonderful things done with magic. A broom in this universe is a piece of sporting equipment used to play Quiddditch, the wizard sport that is a combination of rugby and hockey but with brooms.


We’re absolutely sure that there is at least one broom reviewer writing for The Daily Prophet who is telling people about the specs of a Nimbus Two-Thousand and what role it is best suited for. He or she has to test the brooms to give everyone an informed opinion. How else will an athletic wizard know which broom suits his style and budget?


2.) Stormtroopers/Employees Guide To Working On The Death Star – Star Wars Universe

The Death Star is a spaceship/fort shaped like a planet meant for destroying other planets. Think that Jupiter is blocking your view of Saturn and its rings? BAM! One shot from the Death Star would make it seem like Jupiter was a soap bubble that gets easily popped.


However, having something this big would also require everyone on board to be working in synchronisation with everyone else. What better than a reference guide? We’re sure that somebody had to outline the code of conduct, how to approach people in various roles to get different jobs done and why you must always miss when trying to shoot a rebel hero.


3.) Which Avenger Is Your Ideal Date? – Marvel Cinematic Universe

In the Marvel cinematic universe, a billionaire with a super suit, a super soldier, a Norse god, a great spy, an exceptional archer, a sentient robot, a woman with telekinesis and a man who turns into a green monster at will all come together to fight forces that would easily overpower a regular army. They call themselves The Avengers.

In a world like this where superheroes are running around, you can be sure that someone is making a quiz that associates your interests with a member of a super-powered team. Personally, I see my ideal date being Captain America, his manners make him such an ideal candidate to even take home and meet my parents.


4.) Stylista Guide To Survival – The Hunger Games Universe.

The Hunger Games is about a bunch of kids murdering each other for food and glory and entertainment of the crowd. It’s the worst kind of game to play because if you lose, you die.



If the movies are anything to go by, there is clearly a variety of fashion on display and where there is fashion, there are people with opinions on fashion. And those opinions are going to show up somewhere. We’re sure that whoever watches The Hunger Games has a sense of fashion will say things like, ‘Oh! So interesting to pair that colour with that outfit for camouflage.’ and ‘Ugh! So tacky. That’s what happens when you dress in the dark.’ May the odds of you being stylish be ever in your favour.


5.) Best Insurance Provider List Article – DC Universe

In the DC universe, you have all manner of super powered beings who tend to cause a lot of destruction. We’re referring to the DC movie universe starting from Man of Steel then going into Batman V Superman and finally, Suicide Squad.


Can you imagine how much money it must take to rebuild all of that once they are done dealing with a threat? We have no idea what that number would be but we can be sure that somewhere in this universe, a lot of people want to know which insurance company they should turn to for coverage against damage by superheroes and supervillains. It isn’t a big leap of the imagination to realise that someone has put together an article listing all the insurers who provide coverage and how they cover your home or business against gods and monsters.


Bonus Content Writing Job

#6.) Press Releases for Capsule Corp. – Dragonball Z Universe

Dragonball Z has been a big influence for a lot of people since the late 90’s. Some wanted to be a Saiyan and launch a wave of energy at their enemies, some wanted the power to fly using Ki and some just wanted their hair to go blonde and their eyes to turn green in a Super Saiyan transformation. But one thing that gets glossed over during moments of nostalgia is the Capsule Corporation.

Capsule Corp. has always innovated in this universe and they are known for fitting virtually anything into a capsule. You can go into a store and buy an entire car that would fit in the palm of your hand as a capsule. Simply activate the capsule when you need it and it will transform into whatever it was meant to become.

Sourced from Dragonball Wiki | Fandom Powered by Wikia                    

It’s a great space-saving solution but remember, this is a corporation. When a new product (capsule) is in development, they will need someone to write the press releases and the product brochures for their newest invention. Saiyans, for all their power, are simply not useful when you have to introduce a new product to the public and make some buzz.


That’s our list on content writing jobs that must exist. Can you think of any other writing jobs that exist in other fictional universes? Write to and let him know that you have ideas too.

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