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In The Spotlight: Rajdeep Chatterjee

Rajdeep Chatterjee understands graphic design from the concept through to the importance of layouts across media. He now focuses most of his energy in UX design but has a strong sense of branding in print and web design. See what else made him chosen as a spotlight artist.

A minor introduction, if you aren’t freelancing or studying, where are you working and what’s your current job title?

Hello, I’m Rajdeep Chatterjee currently working at Divami Design Lab, Hyderabad as a UX Designer. Acquiring a degree from NICC, Bangalore in Communication Design, I have developed a major interest in branding, packaging and UI/UX design which has become my forte. I have been freelancing for the same.

From Print Ad

What made you so good at what you do? What was your journey like from discovering your craft to acquiring the skill you have now?

As they say, “word of mouth” spreads the most and that is how I was introduced to design. I was astonished to see how something as fun as making cartoons can actually help people earn their living and become their career. This is where I realised that I am not someone who can be bound by the restrictions of closed books but I am someone who is there to express what he feels through art as his medium.

From trying my hands at illustrations to exploring various fields, I found my interest in the development side of it and that is where the whole journey of design started.

From Niranjan Shipping Agency Branding

After dealing with clients/bosses/teachers, which moment with them was the strongest learning experience for you?

The best part about art and design is that the inspiration and learning flow throughout and you can get that one idea for your next design from anything, anywhere and at any time.

So, every interaction that I had, every discussion that we were involved in was always an eye opener and a new direction prompted up after every discussion.

From Bangalore Express

In the whole world, whose work do you aspire yours to be like? What attracts you to appreciate what they do?

Mario Miranda inspires me the most.

His realistic approach towards storytelling is the one major factor which makes people easily link to his work and his message is rightly delivered. The type of art we call illustration has a two-fold purpose. The first and foremost is that it speaks to you. It tells you a story, visually represents an idea, conveys a message, delivers information, etc. — it does something. Second, but certainly not least, it presents that “something” in an interesting and engaging fashion. That’s what I have learned from Mario Miranda. Apart from Mario, I do admire Terry Heckler, who drew Starbucks’ mermaid, Paul Rand (best known for his corporate logo designs, including the logos for IBM, UPS, Enron, Morningstar, Inc., Westinghouse, ABC, and NeXT) and Don Norman.

Being able to convey your message and engage the viewer with your design is what matters the most and these people have given design a completely new direction.

What do most people not realize about your work/area of expertise?

It’s the story behind the design/art that makes it special and it is very difficult to convey the exact same message to the viewer, as every person has their own interpretation of the same. This is where I think my attention to details remains unnoticed.

From Illusion

Which project of yours are you particularly proud of? Could you tell us a little about it?

One of my (self-initiated) college projects helped me a lot to explore with UI/UX design. The NICC app helps to bring together, entire college on one seamless platform. It is an ultimate communication tool for teachers and students.

The tedious procedure of contacting faculties create a gap between the connection of the students and teachers. This led me to think about a solution which could bridge this gap. That’s when I started working on ideas for the same. The app has features like tracking attendance, signing petitions, online consultations with faculty, portfolio building and more.

As mentioned above, this project covered all the aspects of UI/UX and thus helped me expand my knowledge.

Can we have a piece of advice that helps you with your workflow?

The output might not be extraordinary but it’s all about the story and the connection that has gone behind it. It’s mostly about how you sell your design…your ideas are nothing if you are not able to sell them and this can happen only with a concept behind it.

From Value Vocabulous Card Game

So my workflow starts with an intensive research so that I don’t have any loopholes in my work.

So, what are you working on now?

For now, I’m more focusing towards improving my skills in UI/UX and illustration.

Where do you see yourself in the future?

Running a successful design studio! I’d name it Skadoosh Design Studio.

From Branding- Skadoosh Design Studio

What refreshes your creative juices?

Great ideas and stories.

If you had to start afresh in the industry today, would you choose a different path and if so, what would it be?

I would never. It might sound cliché but I breathe design.

Now that you’re a Spotlight artist, what would you like to say to ‘all the haters’?

That there are no haters. It’s just that everyone has a different perspective about design.

From Movie Posters

Quick Questions:

Favourite font?


Favourite movie?

Kung-Fu Panda

A book everybody should read?

Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

A quick tip to everybody who does the same job as you?

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research…

What’s the best project you’ve seen on Indie Folio?


If you aren’t impressed enough as it is, go and check out Rajdeep’s full portfolio on IndieFolio.

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