IndieFolio Blog

6 Essential Resources To Teach Yourself Design

So you want to get into design. Whether you just dropped out of law school or are starting to realise how mind-numbingly dull your desk job is, the fact is that you have a little free time on your hands this year. You want to learn a skillset that not only potentially pays well but allows you to have an outlet for artistic expression and make a visible difference in the world. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Being unable to go to design school and getting a formal education is nothing to despair about. Many successful artists are self-taught and teaching yourself a trade or a skill is easier than ever now. One can find absolutely everything on the internet, but like in anything else, there’s usually more fluff than matter. We’ve put together 6 resources you can’t go wrong with if you don’t know where to start. Put together, the following courses and books will set you up for success and direct you towards developing an aesthetic that is both appealing and reflects you as an artist.

Image from Picture This by Molly Bang



Image from Amazon.

Image from Amazon

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This article was written by Mickey Thibault. If you want to contact him for feedback, send him an e-mail.